Useful Numbers

Telephone numbers of any local services are provided for convenience and are in no particular order or recommended by the Parish Council.

Heating Oil Suppliers.

Countrywide (MSF) 0800 626348
Ackerman & Neice 01869 340202
Nolan 01869 343477
Pace 01295 220660
Total Butler 08457 240241
CPL Petroleum 0845 6021106 or 01295 268422
Team Flitwick 01442 430480

Village Numbers.

The George 01869 338226
Village Hall Bookings 01869 338772 Jess Romain (Any day before 8.00 pm)
Dial A Ride 01295 263777
Barford News Editor Lucy Norman 01869 337678, Deputy Ed.  Mariann Young01869 338570,
Barford News Advertising 07500 672144 Caroline Bird
NHS Direct 0845 4647
Barford Market  Melanie Doyle 01869 337751 / 07471 891041,

Parish Council Clerk 01295 720566, 07787496774 David Best
Deddington Library 01865 816010
Deddington Police Office 01869 338444 (non urgent)
Banbury Police 01295 754550
Thames Valley Police (24 hr) 08458 505505
Crime Stoppers 0800 555111
Deddington PTA 01869 337135 Janet Watts
Deddington PFSU & Nursery Charlotte Witka,
Barford Green Garden Club Sec. Sue Lane:
Bloxham Pre School 01295722959 Kate Broome